About Me

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We are now in Oz after two amazing years of traveling Europe in our home built plane. We met many fantastic people who we are proud to call friends and have gained a much better understanding of the similarities and differences between the cultures of the different European states as well as the history and geography that have lead to these differences. We enjoy meeting people with similar interests to ourselves and learning more about other cultures. Please let us know if you're going to be in Queensland and would like to catch up for a meal and a chat.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Aargh everything is getting so itchy!

I woke up Thursday morning with a big rash on my right hand, which was annoying.  So we decided it was time to head back to London for a weekend that night.  Anyway I didn't sleep very well Thursday night as my face was itchy, and now it's one big raised face-mask shaped red blob.  Which wouldn't be half as bad if it weren't extremely, incredibly ITCHY!

Anyway since we've got a nice fast web connection in London I did a little bit of research into my rash & it's sorta fascinating - I think of glass fibre threads as being a bit like nettle prickles, in that they're tiny silicon needles that in this case inject formaldehyde under your skin.  So maybe this big face rash is just a sign that I'm pickling well and I will retain my current youthful(-ish) looks for the rest of my life!

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