About Me

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We are now in Oz after two amazing years of traveling Europe in our home built plane. We met many fantastic people who we are proud to call friends and have gained a much better understanding of the similarities and differences between the cultures of the different European states as well as the history and geography that have lead to these differences. We enjoy meeting people with similar interests to ourselves and learning more about other cultures. Please let us know if you're going to be in Queensland and would like to catch up for a meal and a chat.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Back to Norfolk

This may end up a frequent post title....  The weather is a bit dismal.  All very overcast.  We got back to Norfolk on Wednesday and have spent a lot of time just setting up the factory unit.  We are very lucky in that it is brand new and a good size; I'm guessing about 12 x 12m with a tea corner with a great hot water service, massive disabled bathroom which is about the same size as the adjoining office area.  It's funny but the only car park attached to our unit is a disabled one, so I hope we don't get booked for using it!

Progress has felt a little slow.  We've built up the two desks, one as a work bench and the other as a kitchen area.  We've opened all the boxes and spent hours checking that we have pretty much all the parts we were meant to have received, apart from a few things that have sounded mysterious but small, e.g. 4 zinc screws were listed separately - we have bags and boxes of screws & bolts everywhere -  it could be any number of innumerable bags!

The plane came boxed in 3 plywood boxes, so we've taken the lids of most (except for the engine, which is proving to be a handy extra table), and broken them down or leaned them against the walls so that we don't muck up the nice paint job.  I've made one of the into a kind of shadow board without the shadows if you can imagine it - so really it's just a heap of screws in different places so that I can hang the thing I thing are important.  This is working pretty well for the hammer & mallet (very recognisable), but I forsee future confusion being caused by the six tape affixing screws.

And that is really about it.  We've taken the main body of the plane out of its box and laid it down on its roof on a couple of old synthetic doonas and done a lot of pfaffing about trying to mark a centre line exactly central and worrying about drilling holes in the wrong position - we have made some cuts and filed them out, but it all seems a bit piddling at the moment.

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